Game saves
Talo's save system allows you to persist your game's state across multiple sessions. Each object in your scene can be saved and restored automatically from one of your player's saves.
Saves can be created online or offline and Talo will automatically sync between the two.
Store game state
Talo's save system allows you to persist your game's state across multiple sessions. Each object in your scene can be saved and restored automatically from one of your player's saves.
By simply implementing two functions - one that chooses which properties to save and one that loads those properties back in - you're able to completely restore levels back to how the player left them.
Talo saves even provide a way for managing destroyed objects. Talo automatically captures when objects are removed from your game (for example, a destructible crate). If a destroyed object is detected, the object can be prevented from being loaded back in.
As part of our Unity package and Godot plugin, we've included an example save system that creates, loads-in and updates saves for a player.
Learn more in the blog post:
Offline and online saves
Talo automatically creates offline versions of saves. When network access is restored, Talo will attempt to resync the saves, preferring the most recently updated save if an online AND offline save exists. Additionally, if a save is only available offline then it will be synced as soon as a network connection is available.
This system allows players not to be blocked from playing your game while offline and ensures that their progress is always kept in sync.
Local saves are encrypted and stored on the player's device, ensuring that their data is secure and highly unlikely to be tampered with.
Event-driven saves
Talo saves are designed to be flexible and easy to drop in to any game. To do this, Talo exposes a number of convenient events to hook into.
For example, when a player chooses a save, Talo fires an event to tell you which save it is which you can then use to show a loading screen. Similarly, Talo fires an event when all your objects have been loaded back in so that you can hide your loading screen.
Debuggable save files
Use your player's save files to debug issues in your game. As part of our Unity package and Godot plugin, Talo automatically stores the ID, the name of the object and names of any parent objects, allowing you to inspect individual objects to make sure their state is as-expected.
Powered by our custom node graph, you can browse save content directly in the Talo dashboard, search for specific objects and see their current state to track down any anomalies within a player's save.

Frequently asked questions
1.How does Talo handle game saves?
Talo supports both online and offline game saves. When a save is selected, all related objects are automatically loaded back into the game for a seamless experience.
2.How does each object in a save get saved?
Each object in your game is given a unique ID. This ID is used to save and load the object from the save.
3.What happens if there are network issues? Will data be lost?
Talo’s "Continuity" feature ensures that your game data stays in sync even if there are network interruptions. This resilience layer is built in to our Godot plugin and Unity package.
4.How does Talo sync online and offline save data?
Talo always stores an offline copy of your save which is used when the player is offline. When the player comes back online, Talo will sync the save data to the server and update the local save. If there is a newer online save, it will be used instead.
5.Can a player modify their save file?
Local saves are encrypted and cannot be easily viewed or modified by players.
6.Are save files synced across player identities
Yes - if a player creates a save file using their Steam identity but then logs in using their Epic identity, the save file will be synced across the two identities.