Game stats
Talo's stat tracking is a simple way to track player stats and aggregate them as global stats. Talo stats are highly customisable and can be synced with Steamworks.
Track player stats
With Talo, you can track game stats on a per-player basis. For example, you could track the number of secrets discovered by a player or the amount of puzzles they've solved. Talo allows you to easily create and increment these kind of stats.
Game stats might seem similar to tracking an event or creating a player property, stat tracking provides you with fine-grained control over the limitations of a stat.
You can control the minimum and/or maximum amount for the stat, the default value and how often it can be updated all through the Talo dashboard.

Track global stats
To see an aggregated view of a game stat, you can mark it as global. When a player updates their stat, it also changes the global stat by the same amount. Talo displays these global stats, such as the total amount of quests completed or how many secrets were discovered, directly in the dashboard.

Update stats from the dashboard
Talo is designed to make stat tracking simple and provides a dashboard to easily view, manage and update your game stats. For example, you can update an individual player's stats simply by navigating to their profile in the dashboard.
Find players that meet criteria
Using Talo's Player Groups, you can find players that meet certain criteria. It's easy to find players who have reached a certain level or have completed a specific amount of objectives.
Talo's powerful group filtering engine allows you to create complex queries to find players that meet your criteria. You can even drilldown into specific player's profile from the group.
Sync with Steamworks
By enabling our Steamworks integration, your Talo stats will be kept in sync with their Steamworks counterparts. Whenever a player updates a stat, Talo keeps it synced against their Steam profile.
This integration can be enabled at any time. If you already have Steamworks stats set up, Talo can pull in your stats and player stats automatically and create their counterparts inside the dashboard.