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Unity package

How do I install the package?

Follow our getting started docs to learn how to install the latest version of the Talo Unity package using the Package Manager.

Identify and manage players

Sometimes you want to give players the option to login with different services like Steam or Epic. Talo lets your players have multiple aliases, all tied back to a central player.

You can use the Unity package to identify players with one or more aliases after they've logged in. This means that regardless of what service they use to sign in, all of their progress, saves and leaderboard entries will be available to them. Aliases also bring the additional benefit of being able to segment players and leaderboards by platform (e.g. Steam leaderboards vs. Epic leaderboards).

Has a player recently linked a new account? You can merge multiple aliases into a single identity.

Persist data across sessions using player props. Get, set and delete props as needed for data like a player's current position, their health or their level. When players are identified their props are automatically loaded in with them.

Players overview - see all your players and their aliases in one place

Track events

Capture data when specific actions happen - like when a player talks to an NPC or they complete a quest. You can also enrich your events with extra arbitrary data like the ID of the NPC they spoke to or the name of the quest they completed.

The Unity package features a retry and pooling system to make sure your events always get delivered.

Events overview - time-filterable line graph of events

View and update leaderboards

Talo aims to work across many different game genres and as such our leaderboards are highly-customisable. Leaderboards can be sorted by descending or ascending order. You can also customise whether players can only have one or multiple entries in a single leaderboard.

You can choose to view global entries or just the current player's entries in leaderboards. Entries hidden in the Talo dashboard are automatically filtered out.

As part of our Unity package, we've included an example leaderboard that fetches, creates and displays entries.

Leaderboard entries - hide suspicious entries directly from the dashboard

Save and load your game state

Talo's save system allows you to persist your game's state across multiple sessions. Each object in your scene can be saved and restored automatically from one of your player's saves.

By simply implementing two functions - one that chooses which properties to save and one that loads those properties back in - you're able to completely restore levels back to how the player left them.

Talo automatically creates offline versions of saves. When network access is restored, Talo will attempt to resync the saves, preferring the most recently updated save if an online AND offline save exists. Additionally, if a save is only available offline then it will be synced as soon as a network connection is available.

As part of our Unity package, we've included an example save system that creates, loads-in and updates saves for a player.

Configure your game remotely

Talo's live config allows you to configure your game directly in the dashboard. Your game can then fetch this config on-demand, allowing your game and players to have the latest information without downloading a new update.

Live config runs on a collection of key-value pairs. For example, you could have a key of "maxLevel" which has value of "10". While running a beta test you can incrementally increase this maximum level to allow access to more content at your own pace.

Your players would not need to download new versions of the game, instead, live config would pull in this maximum level and prevent access to content until the maximum level reaches the required amount.

Within seconds you can enable in-game events, run experiments or even configure how your game works with Talo (e.g. modifying leaderboard names, stat names or event names).

Live config - configure your game directly from the web

Unity package GitHub repo