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Now live: Talo Authentication for Unity games

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Now live: Talo Authentication for Unity games

Now live: Talo Authentication for Unity games

We are thrilled to announce that Talo's player authentication system is now live and available for your Unity games! Our fully managed authentication service simplifies the process of registering players, verifying sessions, and managing accounts, so you can focus on what you do best – building your game.

What's new?

Just two weeks ago, we launched our player authentication system. Now, we're excited to roll out our updated Unity package, which includes full support for player authentication and plenty of new samples to help you get started in no time.

Simple and secure authentication

Talo's authentication system is designed to be simple to use and secure by default. Here's a quick rundown of the features you can take advantage of:

  • Registering new players: Allow players to create their own accounts with custom passwords.
  • Logging in: Ensure players are using valid credentials with Talo’s secure login system.
  • Verifying player sessions: Send verification codes to players' email addresses for added security.
  • Resetting passwords: Enable players to reset their passwords if they forget them.
  • Managing player accounts: Update player information, such as email addresses or passwords, with ease.

When performing any action on behalf of a player, you’ll need to provide the player's unique session token. This token is generated upon successful login or registration and securely identifies the player.

The Unity package handles session management and player identification for you, making it easy to integrate authentication into your game.

New samples added

To make things even easier, we've included a new sample for authentication in the Unity package. This sample demonstrates how to utilise Talo's authentication system and serves as a great starting point for integrating authentication into your game. We’ve built user interfaces with UIElements for logging in, registering, and verifying sessions, so you can see exactly how it works.

Plus, we’ve added extensive new documentation for the authentication system to our Unity package documentation. Check it out for detailed guides and step-by-step instructions.

New authentication scene samples in the Unity editor

Coming soon

We're not stopping here! We're continuously working to enhance the authentication system and will be adding more features in the coming weeks. Soon, you’ll be able to access an audit log of player authentication actions directly from the Talo dashboard.

Stay tuned for more updates! We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions, so don’t hesitate to join the conversation on our Discord.

With Talo's authentication system, securing your Unity game has never been easier. Give it a try and let us know what you think. Happy coding!

TudorWritten by Tudor

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